Friday 14 November 2014

Balsamic Dressing

I have been using this recipe for a very long time. It tastes really good when put together with some fresh crunchy salad. It is healthy and less fattening compared to other dressings. This dressing is my saving grace on days when I feel that I needed to cut down on my calories and carbo. You can actually make more and keep in the fridge for later use like what I always do.

Easy Healthy Breakfast - Pumpkin Wholemeal Pancakes

If you have not already gotten bored with pancakes, please bear with me. This would be my last recipe on the pancake series. I have to give you this. It is different. It is easy. It is nutritious. I know not many of you adore wholemeal flour, what more with yogurt and pumpkin. But let me assure you that when these ingredients combined, the result is somewhat smashing.

Saturday 8 November 2014

Banana Pancakes

While we are still with pancakes, here's another variation to the versatile pancake. If you do not like your pancakes plain, you can always add your choiced ingredient into the pancake to elevate the flavour. If I may, banana pancake is just too popular to ignore. If there is a people's choice award, this would be the one.  Although I am not a huge fan of banana, I like to include banana into the pancakes to add nutrition for my son.  And mind you, it is yummy too!